What is EarthSave all about?

EarthSave Louisville educates people about the extremely powerful and documented effects our food choices have on the environment, our health and life of Earth, and encourages a shift toward a healthy, plant based diet--all within a local context.

EarthSave Louisville is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation;
PO Box 4397 Louisville, KY 40204

January “Dining Out”

Wiltshire Pantry


Thursday, January 21st
Gather at 6:00 PM
Sponsored by EarthSave Louisville
Wiltshire on Market
Operated by Susan Hershbert, owner of Wiltshire Pantry
636 E. Market Street
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 589-5224

Our monthly visit to a local veg-friendly restaurant for January brings to us a Wiltshire on Market, a brand new restaurant this summer. There are many things to like about this restaurant, according to "word on the street" and Courier-Journal (April 15, 2009 review). There are vegetarian options in this mainstream restaurant. By all means, select them. In the spirit of “descending upon” a restaurant and ordering vegetarian dishes, our behavior sends a strong message to the manager/owner that “veg-lovers are out there”. Good conversation is a given since interesting people are likely to show up. Give yourself some time to park and walk since this is the "cool" part of the downtown. Come out and give it a try!


Are you coming?

Please RSVP to Sharon at 222-5115 or slrwa3@yahoo.com
Check with Sharon if you intend to use a coupon.


EarthSave philosophy leans toward the thinking that helping to save the earth involves changing the habits of flexible and entrepreneurial restaurant and establishment owners. Our monthly foray makes a difference in our community, especially when our voice matches our actions. Furthermore, getting out and socializing has been proven to be very healthy for mind and body, too!…Come on out and start getting healthy, and moving the planet towards health…one bite/meal/gathering at a time.

Spread the word!

Several restaurants allow 10% discount on vegetarian items for Earthsave members. Join.


Encouraging Plant-based Nutrition 24/7


EarthSave Louisville is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation; PO Box 4397 Louisville, KY 40204 louisville@earthsave.org