What is EarthSave all about?

EarthSave Louisville educates people about the extremely powerful and documented effects our food choices have on the environment, our health and life of Earth, and encourages a shift toward a healthy, plant based diet--all within a local context.

EarthSave Louisville is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation;
PO Box 4397 Louisville, KY 40204

Please read, then forward and distribute widely! Thank you

Board membership: Carole Bretschneider, Carolyn Dean, Christie Moore, Lisa Underhill, Marlena Bolin, Melanie Smith, Michael Friedman, Nate Pederson, Ryan Egly, Sharon Adams, Summer Auerbach


When you bring in 5 unwanted t-shirts to the next potluck and pay $5, you will get an awesome low-carbon footprint (LCFP) EarthSave t-shirt (or free with a $20 donation).

January e-Update

Use the Web-Calendar for your convenience

I. Potluck (February 13th)

II. Post-PotLuck Program (February 13th)

III.Cooking Class (February 13th)

IV.Dining Out (January 21st)

V.Dining In (January 25th)

VI. Reserved for January event (January xxxrd)

VII. Reserved for future event (xxxxxxth)

VIII. Events attended by EarthSave

IX. Miscellaneous

This email is also posted to the web: LINK TO WEB

I. Potluck --Good food. Good chef-vibes. Good neighborhood setting.

Louisville's only Plant-Centric Public Monthly Potluck

Saturday, February 13th, 2009; 6 - 8 p.m.

6 p.m. POTLUCK: Bring a plant-based dish (cooked or raw) for 8-12 people, your recipe to share, and your own utensils/plates/cups. Location: 1094 E. Kentucky Street, German-Parisotown Neighborhood Center. Desert samples provided by Amazing Grace.

II. Post-PotLuck Program

7 p.m. PROGRAM: Timothy Tucker, Chief Chef, Salvation Army, Louisville. Many ideas worthy of our attention.

Announcements will be given, and a general ruckus and melee will result from raffling.

8 p.m.-10 p.m. MIX, MINGLE and MUSIC:

Tons of on-topic books are naturally in the Reader's Corner. Guitars in the galley. Discussing future Earthsave "You know we oughta..." topics in the kitchen during clean up. View a recent film about food and/or the food industry...and our health.

COST: $3 with a dish to share or $8 without a dish to share to help defray costs. Bring a place settings for a $1 discount.



III. "Veggie Table" Cooking Class

SATURDAY, February 13th, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.

THEME: Watch an amazing preparation of food that tastes like cheese/dairy, but it's vegan!



GOAL: Healthy Cooking Demo/Recipe Ideas and Tricks, including those not found easily on YouTube or EarthSaveTV. You are welcome if you are interested in wholly plant-based cooking advice and demonstrations in a kind and nurturing atmosphere: Come away with recipes, know-how, having had a good time and a sampling of good food. Afterward, stay for the potluck and share your tricks and insights with others!

Contact our office to sign up or for further information: louisville@earthsave.org



IV. Dining Out with EARTHSAVE

Please come along with us for our next Dining Out event on Thursday, January 21st, 6:00 p.m. at the Wiltshire on Market, 636 W. Market. Vegetarian friendly. More info in this flier:

Flier on Dining Out.

Please RSVP to Sharon at 222-5115 or slrwa3@yahoo.com


V. Dining In with EARTHSAVE

Our next home-based monthly potluck gathering (round-robin style that introduces concepts of plant-based foods, via example and discussion) will be Sunday, January 25th at 6 PM in Old Louisville. Find out what EarthSave is all about--and what we can all do to tilt the planet back on its feet using the fork as a lever! Just beans-and-rice type or the more elegant soy-cheese ratatoille type dishes--both have full play here. Short video or brief discussion of recent article. Typically, this meets on the 4th Saturday for dinner, but not this month. If interested, more information found by contacting Tasha at tasha_timbrook@hotmail.com or louisville@earthsave.org





VII. xxxx



VIII. Events Attended by EarthSave


--Gather up the names of your Indiana friends because there will be a Jeffersonville monthly potluck starting up in January 21st at 6pm. We are ready!


IX: Miscellaneous

Attend weekly free Amazing Grace classes Thursday's at 6:30pm and more.

Attend monthly raw food potlucks on the 2nd Tuesdays at Rainbow Blossom in St. Matthews at 6:00 pm. Rainbow Blossom was selected as LVL's best Health Food Store.

Whole Foods Louisville has a useful website on eating the vegetarian/vegan diet. Reading widely is always encouraged.

Grab an "I Love Earthsave" Kroger sponsor card at the next potluck and use it for free to help drive the engine of Earthsave. Learn more about this program at the potluck; it's a win/win program from Kroger, recently voted as in the top 20 for most reputable mega-company on Earth. (Kentucky is listed in her 2008 Sustainability Report.) This card is rechargeable, works like cash, and is usable at Kroger where 4% of gross sales is donated to EarthSave but costs you nothing. Charge it up when you enter the store, and use it to buy anything, even gasoline.

Yum Brands and Coach Pitino are continuing their partnership to encourage healthy nutrition and exercise. www.keepitbalanced.com They say, "We want consumers to make informed choices about their balanced diet and incorporate exercise into a healthy lifestyle" and "Eat more vegetables, grains and fruit" and "Substitute cheese and cheese sauces for vegetables or salsa." Praise their efforts by emailing them.

Help EarthSave administer and broker deals for turning a few abandoned lots into food production units (e.g. community gardens). Bodies and minds needed now.

Now that some have seen the movie, Food, Inc., a film that lifts the veil on our nation's food industry, exposing the [fact that] our nation's food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations... it is now time to sign their petition for healthy school lunches (quick_click).

Take your plant-based ideas and energy and apply them to the initiatives of the Green Convene, having been so aptly educated into their goals and approach in a recent potluck event. www.greenconvene.org Give a shout out at the Sustainability Forum as well.

Next time you eat out, ask if the restaurant participates on the ESL "10% off on veggie items". If they don't, ask if they want to--then let ESL know so we can setup the deal with them. Win/win/win/win--everybody. Check-out participating restaurants discounting EarthSave Members.

Preview the list of available DVD's from EarthSave on the ESL Forum under Health and Wellness. Look for an annotated bibliography of awesome YouTube sites in our forum too, including The Meatrix and EarthSave TV.

Invite your friends to join this email list by visiting HERE then pasting their email address and clicking the box "EarthSave Louisville ENEWS". Viral movements need your fingertips. Membership to EarthSave is available there too.

Do you have any time to give to EarthSave? Any wish to do pro bono professional volunteering? Please hail us; projects starting continually.

This post/flier is found by pointing to http://www.louisville.earthsave.org/events.html

Utilize the Social Medium that we can rely on: Facebook is up and ready. Also, use the Earthsave Online Forum, http://earthsave.org/louisville/yabb . Also available: MYSPACE. Please follow and re-tweet by following us at twitter.com/earthsave_LVL


There really are so many great ways to get involved and informed. But if you really want an easy button, just call 299-9520 or email louisville@earthsave.org for a quick orientation.

EarthSave Louisville is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation; PO Box 4397 Louisville, KY 40204 louisville@earthsave.org