Earthsave Louisville - Home


You'll meet new people who share your passions, have a great time and get that awesome feeling that comes from directly helping a cause you believe in. Training is provided and we will find a shift that fits your schedule. Just email or call 502-299-9520 if you're interested in any way. We'll get you all the details.

Long-range Planning, e.g. Turkey-Free Thanksgiving, etc.
EarthSave's big fundraisers and publicity events require coordination and preparation! If you want to participate in sculpting high impact events, let us know. If short-term commitments are more to your liking, let us know that you'd be interested in distributing flyers, phone banking, prepping craft items for distribution, playing music, etc.

Marketing and Newsletter Team
Using multiple media outlets, help to promote community and media awareness of our potlucks, Taste of Health, and Healthy Beginnings Cooking Classes. Help with writing, ad solicitation and distribution of our monthly newsletter. Volunteers needed with experience in Public Relations, writing press releases, and web/social-media support.

Phone Banks
Volunteers needed to call our members to invite them to attend our events and activities. Good networking opportunity!

Office Support
Volunteers to systematically use your public library's program of allowing a free 100 copies per month to print out fliers for tabling events and communal gatherings.

We can use you; let's just find out where we match up for a win/win arrangement!

Take our survey!
What has your experience of EarthSave been? Your thoughts, opinions and suggestions will help us plan effectively and make EarthSave Louisville even stronger!
(SurveyMonkey button coming soon!)