The extent of materials available on the web or from EarthSave International that concern a plant-based diet are legion. If you are a novice at determining sources of useful information, contact us at . Common curriculum and useful articles are listed below, but only touch the surface of this varied and complex issue. The positive attributes of plant-based nutrition (and the detrimental effects of meat) are an ongoing topic with ever-changing attributes.
Is Meat Sustainable?
Click here to read Is Meat Sustainable? - from the WorldWatch Institute.
Beginnings Care Package
you are planning to reduce your meat and dairy intake, or whether
you’re ready to eat a vegetarian or even a vegan diet (free of all
animal products), you’re about to embark on the greatest, healthiest,
and most fulfilling journey of your life.
Please contact EarthSave Louisville if you would like to participate or host a book study of "Diet for a New America" or "Healthy at 100".