Reskilling ReUsing gathering Tuesday, October 25th, 2016 @Portland Library Community Room in Louisville KY at 6pm for 90 minutes.
We discuss things we’ve done and skills acquired that make a difference when taking the long view of what peoples of earth need to survive and thrive. After the event, the audio will be posted.
Public is welcome and encouraged to come in droves.
Here is the audiofile for the audiophiles:
and here are the show notes:
Reskilling/Reusing Event October 2016
Waiting for a Miracle song
An Inconvenient Truth song
Reading selections from DIRT, and Survival Tactics for the Zombie Apacolypse, and Bio-integrated Homestead
Items on the table e.g. show and tell.
Pictures from the collage discussed.
Thoughts throughout the month:
Theme song for reskilling: Eagles song: Heart of the matter –Forgiveness —
The more I know, the less I understand
All the things I thought I knew, I’m learning again
I’ve been trying to get down to the Heart of the Matter
But my will gets weak
And my thoughts seem to scatter
But I think it’s about forgiveness
Even if, even if you don’t love me anymore
Gary’s idea of laundrymat in poor nbhds: It’s heavy into remodeling, heavy into staffing up — by why not just add such a thing to the NBHD House…and why not long ago. The joy here: working with a group of people to hammer out what to do, how to do it, keeping on track, not losing energy, using microvolunteering.
uses for spare land: biochar, drying house, raised beds, climbing wall, vertical garden, pallet fencing, wood shed, fruit tree plantation, compost pile, little library, wood chip dumping, stump dumping/chopping
Today is National ReUse Day : U of L is hosting bike mechanical fixit day; Buddhist center is hosting an Metro sponsored event. I asked LFPL if they have the rights to the REUSE film.
I should get statements from Justin Mog and someone from metro or buddhist center.
Go door to door and ask portlanders what they have repurposed or reused lately.
Hydroponics herbs during winter at UofL — go thru professor — Brian Barnes?
Yarmuth: The only way to get things done is to do things in secret; the media love a food fight.
UL Sustainability Day/week:
A Bike Maintenance Workshop from 4pm-6pm in the Humanities Quad to celebrate National Reuse Day!
The Left needs to group of issues. Girioux, Henry; Mcmaster Univ america at war with itself
UK Ag Ext Office: The Latest Dirt:
Newly planted plants, especially, need to be mulched. Freezing and thawing during a KY winter can “heave” or literally push recently planted plants out of the soil. The insulation that mulch provides reduces plant loss to the heaving of soil in winter. Mulch also keeps moisture consistent, helps control erosion and, of course, improves the look of your landscape. Just don’t use too much! 3 inches of mulch is plenty.
Winter cover crops can give your garden or landscape an “all natural” start to next year by providing a variety of services for your gardening space. Some of the major benefits are: reduce winter weeds; add organic matter back to your soil; prevent soil erosion; add vital nutrients to your soil.
The end of the season is a great time to spend on repairing that loose hoe handle, fixing a leaking hose line as well as cleaning and sharpening all the hand and mechanical tools you depend on all season. Removing soil and debris from your tools is yet another sanitation technique to make sure that some of the invisible bacteria living in the soil doesn’t return the following year. Additionally, the winter months are a great time to learn a new skill, like sharpening your lawn mower blades—it’s easier than you think with this instructional video courtesy of Your Kentucky Lawn! Finally, winter is a great time to take stock of any lawn or garden chemicals you have in your shed and remove those that are expired, leaking or damaged. Most pesticide products have a recommended shelf life of 2 years.
Cleaning up your garden and landscape is essential for preventing disease and insect problems next year. For the garden, pull out all dead plants and dispose of them in the trash or a hot compost pile. Diseased fruit and leaves should be removed as well, including leaves that are falling or about to fall, from this year’s growth of shade trees. In addition to removing dead or diseased fruit and leaves, be sure to spend some time pruning your home orchard to promote healthy plant and fruit growth in 2017. If you intend to use leaves in the compost pile reduce the particle size by running the mower over fallen leaves.
Does this qualify as re-use?
Tell Kate Leitner of my interest in rugs on walls and floor.
Valerie reskilling: origami cigarette butt holder.
I should pick up some red wigglers from Portland Elementary.
Having a bake sale is a perfect oppty to grandstand about why we have to sell cookies to help the poor…and why our economy is based upon scarcity in the first place.
Lyrics: It’s pretty pathetic if you are copascetic.
First off, what are some examples of “repurposing”? It is taking a byproduct or waste stream such as a retired street sweeper brush and giving it a 2nd life as a backscratcher for horses or cattle. It is taking a decommissioned fire hose and giving it an extended life as a boat dock fender. It is taking an obsolete ski lift cable and giving it a second life as hand railing in a luxury condo building.
repurposedMATERIALS is the only company in America whose entire product line is made of “repurposed” items.
To date, our company has helped a number of organizations through “repurposing”: US Army, Denver Broncos, City of Chicago, Nestles, BNSF Railroad, Oklahoma State University, Purina, US National Forest Service, Campbells Soup, State of Wyoming, Paramount Pictures, and many, many more!
re·pur·posed·MA·TE·RI·ALS (noun) Byproducts and waste that have value “as is” to a 2nd, unrelated industry.
Damon Carson | repurposedMATERIALS | Founder & President
10220 Brighton Rd, Unit 7 | Henderson, CO 80640 |
Atlanta | Chicago | Dallas | Denver | Philadelphia
-might be fun to exercise in this way: every 10 seconds, the body/torso must be touching the grass/floor/mat. In this way, there’s lots of ups and down, but with lots of variety. I could setup my heart rate monitor so as to look at the correlation between HR and the interval time between torso/turf periodicity. For instance, outfielders in baseball could to burpees to keep frosty between pitches (as the new normal). Is there a way to program the android to make a beeping noise every few (user defined) seconds? Repeat timer alarm.
Just record a sound file saying “Mark” that is xxx seconds long and have it continue to repeat. Android voice record file can be forwarded to email and then downloaded to m4a file which works in audio app… single song repeat. Perfect.
I’m thinking that single people get caught up in cool usage/adaptation of apps, but a reskilling environment (Maker space) allows to share these adaptations in a sea of potentiality. Need Maker Space environments all over the place? Put “maker space” garages on google maps for anyone to find and hook up?
I sent a sketch to Cindy of my FM tower with balloon at top with sweet potatoes all around.
Can I start broadcasting FM waves using solar power 12V?
…we only have to give a little push & roll to get the shed placed at its new forever home at Lots of Food 🙂 Come help if you can give a little push or roll – and celebrate with me when it’s done! Kentucky Proud almonds will be available for tasting!
Brief Summary then adjourning.

As discussed in the session