Reskilling/reusing retreat event held monthly — Follow links below to access the event via web/podcast/slidecast.
Held at Portland Library, last Tuesdays of each month (except when on Christmas Day); 6:30 – 7:45pm
Focusing on being successful on all things in all areas, and recognizing cross-fertilization and ubiquity of micro/macro scale.
Open to the public; anyone can share what they are learning and starting to change their behavior.
Both slides and audio is available. Links below.
Here are a couple of ways to access the audio/podcast/mp3 file.
Here are the slides used during this event, which coincides with the audio file.
Sorta in league with the Health and Education Committee of the neighborhood association here in Portland.
Sign up to get reminders via PNI group on facebook.
Transpose and sequestor, at will!