February Reskilling/Reusing Event
February 28th at 6pm at The Portland Branch of the Louisville Public Library
This is the audiofile of the event. The above link is for an .ogg file and it’s about 60MB. Then below we have a link to an earlier file conversion to an mp4 filetype which is 83 MB…and I can only get it to work on VLC software/freeware.)
and this is the original .amr file type directly from the cell phone which VLC can also play but I can’t upload to this blog site since it doesn’t accept it as a media file type. Sheesh.
What it is: A time to gather and talk about all things that bolster one and all in areas of augmenting and extending our Skills and our ability to reuse or repurpose any and all things. We will give you time to share your passion in these areas for those who have recently been enlightened…and time to hear new and repurposing ideas. All comers, come! Invite friends and friends of friends: The place is huge. The theme: “Eclecticity and Electricity–Bring the juice and be the one.” This event will be recorded with the mind to publish and practice the notion of turning this into a radio show. Show up for maybe the time of your life.
Pre-emptive rabble rouser: PortlandNate