Category Archives: Uncategorized

Reskilling Retreat April 2019

Event occurring every last Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm at Portland Library. Slides in PDF are available for download, below, as is the mp3 that corresponds to the slides.

mp3 of the event

Ready when you are.

Please know everyone is invited to the main auditorium room at the Portland Library to participate in this live event in order to make it all that it can be in terms of meeting the needs of Portland residents.

March 2019 Reskilling ReTreat

Once again on the last Tuesday of the month at the Portland Library another reskilling/reusing event is extant. As always everyone’s welcome. Arrive at 6:30pm to see the start. Come with questions about reskilling/reusing and the like…or share your own stories of resilience, life-hacking, restitution, re-constitution…(You get it).

If the event is missed, all participants and all other people everywhere are free to download the podcast and associated slides that go with the event. There’s a richness that’s comes from being part of something “re” — you could call it ‘getting reech’!

Here’s the links: and look for the March 2019 episode/entry. The audio and PDF slides go together, but you need to open the files separately.

Get the audio and the slides right here:

Listen to this mp3.

Reskilling Event –Feb 2019

toolbox of reskills

Reskilling and Reusing Retreat Event Monthly at the Library

Last Tuesday of each month (Feb 26, 2019) at 6:30pm at Portland Libray Event Space

Check this space ( for audio podcast and PDF of slides discussed on relevant topics of the day. The first download button is the PDF slides and the second button is the audio file in mp3 format.

Like us on PNI group’s facebook page.

Reskilling Retreat — Jan 2019

Reskilling/reusing retreat event held monthly — Follow links below to access the event via web/podcast/slidecast.
Held at Portland Library, last Tuesdays of each month (except when on Christmas Day); 6:30 – 7:45pm
Focusing on being successful on all things in all areas, and recognizing cross-fertilization and ubiquity of micro/macro scale.
Open to the public; anyone can share what they are learning and starting to change their behavior.
Both slides and audio is available. Links below.

Here are a couple of ways to access the audio/podcast/mp3 file.

Here are the slides used during this event, which coincides with the audio file.

Sorta in league with the Health and Education Committee of the neighborhood association here in Portland.

Sign up to get reminders via PNI group on facebook.

Transpose and sequestor, at will!


November 2018 Reskilling ReTreat

Real Life event occurs on the last Tuesday of each month at the Portland Library in Louisville KY at 6:30pm.  The event (Re-Treat) is posted here, below, in two formats: first is the audio file and the 2nd is the PDF of the slides under discussion.  About 68 minutes long.


Good way to find your way to Health and Education.

NarratCoordinated by PortlandNate

October 2018 Reskill Event

Reskilling event held Portland library, 10-30-2018

audio and pdf slides available for download here.

Reskilling — Oct2018

The android microphone doesn’t pick up the guitar well, but otherwise reasonable.

Just another month in the hood.


Reskilling in September 2018

The “RE” event happens.  The last Tuesday in September, e.g. Sept 25th, 2018 at the meeting room of Portland Library– 32nd and Portland Ave, Louisville KY.

We will discuss all thing “RE”, such as reskilling, reusing, recycling, resilience, redressing, refusing, etc.

After the event, the PDF slides will be posted here…as well as audio of the event for a podcasting with full visual assist without the bandwidth of a video file/stream.

Reskilling — Sept2018

Enjoy and get inspired.

Loosely under the tentative auspices of the neighborhood association, PNI (Portland Now Inc)…and as such one could think of this event as the Re-Now event.



August Reskilling Reusing and all that and more

This is a paste from Facebook’s event on the group called PNI or Portland Now Inc:

This reskilling event is held monthly on the last Tuesday in the library and is meant to foster the spirit and actions of developing: Reskilling, resilience, reuse, redress, and lifehacking. These take on many forms, and this forum intentionally tries to promote sharing of stories, techniques, passion. Typically there are slides projected to foster impressions and reactions. Some light refreshments and a song or two are offered. The all-purpose room in the library is big enough for you, your family, and friends. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.

—– Please note: Gathering is at Portland Library at 6:30pm.

Audio recording of the event will be available after the meeting, with time for technical considerations.  Also, the slides/pictures will be posted in PDF as well.

Reskilling — aug2018

The blog team.

July Reskilling and Reusing (2018)

The monthly Reskilling meeting was held on July 31st at the Portland Library all purpose room.  Attached are the audio recording and the accompanying slideset which can be played simultaneous for best effect.

Here’s the audio:

Here’s the PDF/slides:

Reskilling — july2018-Mini

All loosely affiliated with the Health and Education Committee of Portland Now, the neighborhood association.



June Reskilling and ReUsing (2018)

Local Community Event:  Reskilling and ReUsing monthly gathering
Held at Portland Library, 33rd and Portland Ave/Northwestern Pkwy
General purpose room, ground floor  6:30 to 7:45pm
Event will be recorded; multimedia content.
Everyone welcome; all are invited and encouraged to share their own stories and questions about reskilling, reusing, resilience and life hacking.
Presentation and audio podcast will be uploaded after the event.

With loose affiliation with Health and Education Committee of PNI, the local neighborhood association of the Portland neighborhood in Louisville KY.

Here’s the slides in PDF format:

Reskilling — june2018

and here’s the sound file to go with it:
